It's been quite awhile since I sat here and tapped out something that I thought was important.
Here it is . . .
Christmas has come and gone and the new year is underway.
Wonder what can be expected.
In many ways I hope 2011 is better,
but part of me says that 2010 was a wonderful year.
My attitude can and does make the difference, huh?
So I vow today to adjust my attitude and greet each day like Scrooge greeted the first Christmas day after his adventure.
"Ah, yes," Scrooge said.
"Wonderful day."
Below is found something I started a long time ago, back in October I think. The "Endless Autumn Wander" had, by necessity moved indoors
Let's see if it still makes sense!
Well, the weather in many ways dictates how much wandering we are able to do and how far afield we are able to go. The weather down below is quite nice, but there has been snow up above and very cold temperatures, so our pattern, of necessity, must change.
I have always heard that change is inevitable. In fact, change is about the only thing that can be assured. And that is certainly true in my life of late. Almost a year and a half ago I took retired status in the United Methodist Church. It has been a rocky road at times, scary, frustrating, maddening. There have been many internal conversations like, "What was I thinking, or "What were you thinking?" My plan was to come back to western Colorado, an area that I love just about as much as anything of which I can think. I would come and find a job to help out with retirement and social security and much to my amazement no one was waiting for me to arrive. I did, and am still doing. hospice volunteer work, but at present I am about "volunteered out," as some might say. Volunteering is very noble, but it doesn't go very far at supplementing financial prowess. Everywhere I turned doors closed and everyone said, "When a door closes another opens," which I suppose is true, but I had my doubts because all I ever saw were closed doors. I looked for something in ministry, but it didn't work out in any way. I must admit to a certain degree of frustration, even deep and resentful anger at what, quite frankly, was a desperate situation.
Then one Sunday night about a month ago Linda said, "I see the Sentinal is looking for carriers again! Mental note: check that out first thing in the morning. The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel needed carriers and I called to offer my services. About 45 minutes later I was employed as a home delivery carrier for said Daily Sentinel and was to come on board at 3 a.m. the next morning. The rest, as they say, is history and I have come completely full circle because the first job I ever had at age 14 was as a home delivery carrier for the Texarkana Gazette.
Every morning I thank God for allowing me to get up at 2 a.m. and go out in the dark (And right now, cold) and do something that I have come to enjoy and to get paid a little bit for it. It is about as far from ministry as you can get. Or . . . maybe not. Maybe it make someone's day a little nicer to go out and pick up the paper in which there is news of all sorts and other items of interest and entertainment. There are days when I would rather stay in bed where it's warm. But God and I get up and go out into the city. God bags the papers, or bands, depending on the weather. I toss them and God keeps them from sliding under cars and the like. All the while carrying on this conversation about what God has in mind for me and when am I going to find out and get started, to which God simply smiles and stuffs another paper in the plastic bag.
I am convinced that part of the adventure is riding along with God, following those little nudges, feeling God's mirth at my impatience and knowing in the very depths of my soul that God is near and that Spirit is at work in me. Do I know or understand what God has in mind? Absolutely not. But God does! And I guess as long as God does it doesn't matter whether I do or not, right?
The paper routes (Two of them) are still getting me up early so I can go out and see the full moon,
or the little fingernail of a moon as it rises over Grand Mesa.
I see "shooting stars"
and I see each morning the flaming Morning Star as it appears in the eastern sky.
Every now and again I look out into the endless space
and give thanks to God that I am a spec in the scheme of things.
And the things I perceive as problems are really even smaller.
I also express my gratitude to God for being down here riding with me and not out there in space, detached from us, God's children.
That would include you and me and all other creatures throughout creation.
Holy One!
Grant us peace this new year. Come and ride with us and help us live for others!